Saturday, February 4, 2012

Frozen snot and broken nails = NEXT

Putting it nicely, negative degree weather where your snot freezes and your fingernails break five minutes after stepping outside is not my cup of tea. I do not think I have ever been more relieved to leave a city then I was to leave Chemnitz. I tried to enjoy the city, I really did, but it was near impossible. And the Ballet... we wont even get into that... The best part about those dauntingly freezing 48 hours was the hostel which was not even in the city but outside of it in the country. The first night I was at the hostel (after getting off the tram and getting lost outside in the middle of no where for 40 min.) I met a young woman named Birgit. She is a teacher who was in Chemnitz for a day for work and is newly engaged and pregnant! The second night I met a group of students who were traveling through Chemnitz and they spent many hours teaching me German swear words. I am a pro at this point.

after an 8 hour train ride through blizzards and mountains and countrysides I finally arrived back into Dusseldorf! I am staying with Suren's brother, (Denise's brother in-law) Lennart, who met me at the train stop and we lugged my stuff to his apartment. This morning after a pleasant breakfast of toast with quirk (yogurt/butter like spread) Lennart went to the barber's and I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art. My favorite installation was this room that had these old portraits all over three of the walls. Each portrait had a dimmed desk lamp shining onto the top of them and a tin cookie box underneath. The fourth wall had six shelves reaching up to the ceiling with folded sheets and pillow cases on them. The same lamps were at the top of the shelves as well. The top of the museum is a huge glass dome where you can look over the entire city of Dusseldorf. After the museum I met back up with Lennart and we walked through the old town's market and Konigsallee, the long street lining the river with Gucci, Prada, Tiffany's etc. Great window shopping! We then walked up to another bunch of museums and went to a new photography exhibit which was great. It was very crowded but the photos were beautiful and there was a very wide range of ideas and genres which was neat to see. I enjoyed looking at a set of photos inspired by 60's fashion. One photo in particular was of a petite girl who had on a dress with huge flowers on it, was holding a large soda cup, had on huge eye make up and was wearing a very big wig. She looked like a doll.

A home cooked meal tonight and tomorrow the Gelsenkirchen audition!

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